12th Jan 2023
Scheduled Downtime: Hardware Error
We would like to inform you that there will be a scheduled maintenance on our server ser20.waseerhost.com starting on 13-01-2023 12:00AM IST. During this time, the server will be UP initially and you will not be able to access your data. However, there will be a downtime of ~40min because of hardware changing. We will be processing a full server ...
22nd Jun 2022
[ISSUE-#02/NETWORK]DDOS Mitigation on WaseerHost Server
On 2022-06-22 at 09:15:36 GMT+5, we received a massive DDOS attack on our WaseerHost Network. The affected services were Hosting Platform, Home Website, and Cpanel Authentication System.
We got the following attacks statistics from our Emergency Network Mitigation systems:
We are ...
2nd May 2021
40% OFF on Shared Hosting and Wordpress Hosting
Now Get 40% OFF on Shared Hosting and WordPress Hosting. The Promotional Code is for One-Time Discount only.
* Offer Valid till 30/05/2022